Thursday, June 11, 2020

BLOG #59 - 6/11/2020

In the story of Cain and Able in (Genesis 4), why did the Lord accept Abel’s offering but not  Cain’s? The text does not give us a clear answer. However, there are some verses in the Bible which can help us understand the reason why.

For his offering to the Lord, Abel sacrificed the best of his flock. The Bible says, “By faith Abel offered a better sacrifice than Cain did” (Hebrews 11:4, NIV). Abel was a righteous man. He went out of his way to please the lord. Able was devoted to serving the Lord.

Cain had a different attitude toward the Lord. Cain was angry because the Lord had not looked upon his offering favorably. When the Lord asked Cain why was he angry, the Lord said, “If you do what is right, will you not be accepted” (Genesis 4:6, NIV)? Cain did not have any interest in making amends with the Lord. Unlike Abel, Cain was not devoted to serving the Lord.

The different attitudes toward life Cain and Able had was the beginning of the division of mankind. Able showed by the way he lived he was a righteous man. Cain showed by the way he lived he was evil. We need to ask ourselves the question, am I more like Cain or am I more like Able? The kind of people we are has eternal consequences!

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