Friday, October 9, 2020


   BLOG #76      HOPE UNEXPECTED #1      10/09/2020

Part One


Because of a famine in the land, Elimelech, his wife Naomi, and their two sons left Bethlehem in Judah and moved to Moab. Sometime after the family moved to Moab Elimelech died (see Ruth 1:3). The sons, Mahlon and Kilion, married Moabite women. After Mahlon and KIlion had lived in Moab for about ten years they died (see Ruth 1:5). All of the male members of Naomi’s family were gone. Naomi and her two daughters-in-law, Ruth and Orpha, were the only ones left.


In ancient oriental society there was a stigma attached to unmarried women and childless wives. When the women in Bethlehem who already knew Naomi saw her, they were shocked!   Can this be Naomi? They could see she had changed but not for the better. Some of the people wondered if Naomi had forsaken the Lord. Could it be she became a worshiper of the god of the Moabites?


Naomi was a very depressed woman. She blamed God for her problems. She said to the women in Bethlehem do “not call me Naomi…call me Mara.” The name Naomi means sweetness of pleasantness. The name Mara means bitter.” Evidently, Naomi had lost all hope her life could get better. But was that really the truth? Next week, you will find out what is the rest of the story. 

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