Wednesday, August 5, 2020


BLOG #67    1 Corinthian 13:6-7, NIV    8/5/2020


God-like love does not delight in evil.

            In 1 Corinthians 3:3, Paul wrote about division in the Corinthian church. In part, the

            church was divided because some of the members thought they were morally superior.

            The Apostle Paul condemns such a spirit. Gossip is also condemned. Gossip has ruined

            the fellowship in many churches.


God-like love rejoices with the truth.

            Love encourages goodness. 3 John 4, NIV says, “I have no greater joy than to hear that

            my children are walking in the truth.” Jesus said, I am the truth. (John 14:6, NIV). Jesus’

            teachings are the truth. An unknown author once said, “love and truth unite to rejoice in

            its triumph over wrong.” -Author Unknown-


God-like love always protects.

            In Greek, the word “love” means “to bears all things.” It covers or protects. It is

            something that endures even when circumstances are unfavorable.


            What is the distinctive feature of a Christian fellowship? It is to make evident the mind

            and Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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