Thursday, February 11, 2021


BLOG #93      THE ARMOR OF GOD #4      2/12/2021

“…taking up the shield of faith…” (Ephesians 6:16, NASB)


The shield a Roman soldier wore consisted of two layers of wood, covered with canvass and with hide. The flaming darts were arrows or light spears, tipped with pitch (or possibly some other substance) then set ablaze. The flaming darts would burn themselves out against the hide-covered shield without harming the man behind it. (The Interpreter’s Bible)


The edges of their shields could interlock. With their shields the Roman soldiers could make a solid wall as they marched into battle.


What is the Apostle Paul trying to tell us in Ephesians 6:16? We must use the “shield of faith” to protect us from falling into temptation. The faith mentioned is a living faith. It is an act of the will to be obedient to Him. To continually trust in His promises and in His power.


Our shields of faith also need to be interlocked (joined together) to form a solid wall to fight off “the flaming arrows” of temptation.   









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