Saturday, May 16, 2020


The story about the resurrection of Lazarus is found in John chapter eleven. The sisters of Lazarus notified Jesus that their brother was ill. Instead of returning to Bethany immediately, the Bible says Jesus “stayed where he was two more days” (vs. 6, NIV). By the time Jesus arrived in Bethany, Lazarus had been in the tomb for four days” (vs. 11, NIV). Why did Jesus wait so long?

Maybe it is because of something F. F. Bruce says: “The rabbis’ believed a person’s soul revisited the tomb during the first three days but left it permanently from the 4th day onward; death was then irreversible.” John, the author, wanted to make it clear Lazarus was dead.

Why did Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead? John writes, “it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it” (vs. 4, NIV). Jesus did something the ancient heathens thought could not be done. It was even beyond anything God could do.

Our physical bodies will die someday. However, Jesus Himself is the resurrection and the life!
Jesus has the power to resurrect us. In Him, we have eternal life.

“The Memoirs of One Man’s Journey Through Time”

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