BLOG #45 - 3/27/2020
¿Estabas predestinado a ser salvo (heredar la vida eterna)? Por ejemplo, ¿hizo Dios esa decisión por usted?
Saúl, que llegó a ser conocido como el apóstol Pablo, hizo amenazas asesinas contra los discípulos del Señor. Fue al sumo sacerdote para obtener permiso para arrestar a las personas que pertenecían el Camino (cristianos). Saúl aprobó y presenció la ejecución de Esteban (Hechos 7:54-60). ¿Cómo podría un hombre como Saúl tener alguna esperanza de que algún día pudiera heredar la vida eterna?
Según la Biblia, todos hemos pecado y nos falta la gloria de Dios (Romanos 3:23). Todo de nosotros somos cupables de violar las leyes de Dios, y según la Biblia, el resultado del pecado es la muerte espiritual (Romanos 3:23). Sin embargo, la Biblia dice que Dios nos ha dado un don. Nos dice que si confesamos nuestros pecados y, por medio de Su Espíritu Santo, invitamos a Jesucristo a nuestras vidas, somos salvos. Es decir, tenemos vida eterna. La Biblia también dice:«Porque tanto amó Dios al mundo que dio a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo el que cree en él no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna» (Juan 3:16, NVI). Jesús murió por el mundo. El mundo representa a todas sus criaturas humanas.
"The Memoirs of One Man's Journey Through Time"
Website: cpaulwooderson.com
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Blog #48 - 3/27/2020
The story of the first sign is told in John 2:1-11. The setting was a wedding feast held in a village known as Cana of Galilee. In Palestine, wedding festivities were special events that lasted more than a day and could last up to a week. Wine was necessary in a Jewish feast. A Rabbi explained the reason why. He said, "without wine there is no joy."
Because there wasn't a way to purify water well enough, wine diluted with water was safer to drink. At the wedding feast the mother of Jesus was worried that they might run out of wine. It happened.
She asked for Jesus' help. Jesus instructed the servants to "Fill the jars with water:"so they filled them to the brim (John 2:7, NIV). Filling the jars to the brim meant nothing else could be added to it. Jesus turned the water to wine. Only God can make something out of nothing.
John MacArthur says the signs are significant "displays of power that pointed beyond themselves to the deeper divine realities that could be perceived by the eyes of faith." John states the purpose of his book: "But these things are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name (John 20:31, NIV).
"The Memoirs of One Man's Journey Through Time"
Website: cpaulwooderson.com
Blog #48 - 3/27/2020
The story of the first sign is told in John 2:1-11. The setting was a wedding feast held in a village known as Cana of Galilee. In Palestine, wedding festivities were special events that lasted more than a day and could last up to a week. Wine was necessary in a Jewish feast. A Rabbi explained the reason why. He said, "without wine there is no joy."
Because there wasn't a way to purify water well enough, wine diluted with water was safer to drink. At the wedding feast the mother of Jesus was worried that they might run out of wine. It happened.
She asked for Jesus' help. Jesus instructed the servants to "Fill the jars with water:"so they filled them to the brim (John 2:7, NIV). Filling the jars to the brim meant nothing else could be added to it. Jesus turned the water to wine. Only God can make something out of nothing.
John MacArthur says the signs are significant "displays of power that pointed beyond themselves to the deeper divine realities that could be perceived by the eyes of faith." John states the purpose of his book: "But these things are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name (John 20:31, NIV).
"The Memoirs of One Man's Journey Through Time"
Website: cpaulwooderson.com
Thursday, March 19, 2020
BLOG #44 - 3/19/2020
1. El Padre es Dios. Pablo dice, "... para nosotros no hay más que un Dios, el Padre, de quien todas
las cosas vino y para quien vivimos..."(1 Corintios 8:6, NVI).
2. El Hijo es Dios. Vemos la naturaleza fundamental de Dios en Jesús. Juan lo llamó el Palara y él
estaba con Dios en el principio... sin él no se hizo nada... (Juan 1:1-3, NVI). El "...Señor de los
señores, que solo es inmortal..."(1 Timoteo 6:15-16, NVI). Jesús reclama igualdad con el Padre.
Dijo: "Yo y el Padre somos uno"(Juan 10:30, NVI).
3. El Espíritu Santo es Dios. Isaías se refirió a «... su Espíritu Santo...» y «el Espíritu del Señor...»
(Isaías 63:10 y 14, NVI). Pedro le dijo a Ananias «...has mentido al Santo Espíritu...No habéis
mentido sólo a los seres humanos, sino a Dios"(Hechos 5:3-4, NVI).
«El Eterno Dios trino se revela a nosotros como Padre, Hijo, y Espíritu Santo, con atributos personales" (características), pero sin división de la naturaleza, esencia {algo que existe) o ser.»
-La Fe Bautista y el Mensaje-
"The Memoirs Of One Man's Journey Through Time"
Website: cpaulwooderson.com
BLOG #44 - 3/19/2020
1. El Padre es Dios. Pablo dice, "... para nosotros no hay más que un Dios, el Padre, de quien todas
las cosas vino y para quien vivimos..."(1 Corintios 8:6, NVI).
2. El Hijo es Dios. Vemos la naturaleza fundamental de Dios en Jesús. Juan lo llamó el Palara y él
estaba con Dios en el principio... sin él no se hizo nada... (Juan 1:1-3, NVI). El "...Señor de los
señores, que solo es inmortal..."(1 Timoteo 6:15-16, NVI). Jesús reclama igualdad con el Padre.
Dijo: "Yo y el Padre somos uno"(Juan 10:30, NVI).
3. El Espíritu Santo es Dios. Isaías se refirió a «... su Espíritu Santo...» y «el Espíritu del Señor...»
(Isaías 63:10 y 14, NVI). Pedro le dijo a Ananias «...has mentido al Santo Espíritu...No habéis
mentido sólo a los seres humanos, sino a Dios"(Hechos 5:3-4, NVI).
«El Eterno Dios trino se revela a nosotros como Padre, Hijo, y Espíritu Santo, con atributos personales" (características), pero sin división de la naturaleza, esencia {algo que existe) o ser.»
-La Fe Bautista y el Mensaje-
"The Memoirs Of One Man's Journey Through Time"
Website: cpaulwooderson.com
BLOG #47 - 3/19/2020
Because of the coronavirus the world is on edge. People are scared because they fear they might get the virus. There are many things happening in our world that give us cause to be filled with anxiety and fear. Is there any possibility we can have true peace and joy in our hearts?
The Apostle Paul talks about a "... peace of God, which transcends all understanding..."
(Philippians 4:7, NIV). It's a peace that goes beyond what we are capable of understanding. It's more than mere happiness. It's a tranquility that frees us from worry. An inner peace that is continual regardless of the adverse circumstances that may surround us.
How can we have this peace? I think there are at least four things we must do. First, we must be at peace with God. Second, we must maintain a life of prayer. Third, we must have a thankful attitude toward God. Fourth, we must trust Him to do what He knows is best.
Jesus says, "if you keep my commands, you will remain in my love... I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be made complete" (John 15:10-11, NIV). "You will remain" is to be lasting, "my love" is the love of Christ, and "that your joy may be made complete" is that your joy may be full - to fear not or be dissatisfied.
BLOG #47 - 3/19/2020
Because of the coronavirus the world is on edge. People are scared because they fear they might get the virus. There are many things happening in our world that give us cause to be filled with anxiety and fear. Is there any possibility we can have true peace and joy in our hearts?
The Apostle Paul talks about a "... peace of God, which transcends all understanding..."
(Philippians 4:7, NIV). It's a peace that goes beyond what we are capable of understanding. It's more than mere happiness. It's a tranquility that frees us from worry. An inner peace that is continual regardless of the adverse circumstances that may surround us.
How can we have this peace? I think there are at least four things we must do. First, we must be at peace with God. Second, we must maintain a life of prayer. Third, we must have a thankful attitude toward God. Fourth, we must trust Him to do what He knows is best.
Jesus says, "if you keep my commands, you will remain in my love... I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be made complete" (John 15:10-11, NIV). "You will remain" is to be lasting, "my love" is the love of Christ, and "that your joy may be made complete" is that your joy may be full - to fear not or be dissatisfied.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
BLOG #43 - 3/19/2020
¿Qué significa la palabra "moral"? Significa ser capaz de hacer la distinción entre el bien y el mal. En (1 Juan 4:7, NVI) la Biblia dice: «Queridos amigos, amemos los uno a los otros, porque el amor viene de Dios. Todos los que aman han nacido de Dios y conocen a Dios". Es decir, amemos los unos a los otros en el sentido moral, porque el amor de Dios es tierno, amoroso y caritativo. Todos los que nacen o son liberados de Dios lo conocen. Tiene conocimiento y una comprensión real de quién es Dios.
Los fariseos le preguntaron a Jesús, ¿cuál es el mandamiento más grande de la Ley? Jesús respondió: Ama al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón y con toda tu alma y con toda tu mente"
(Mateo 22:37, NVI). Es decir, amar a Dios supremamente, más que a nadie más o cualquier otra cosa. Somete tu intelecto a Su voluntad. Entonces Jesús dijo que el segundo mandamiento más grande es: «Amar a tu prójimo como a ti mismo» (Mateo 22:39, NVI).
Es una orden alta para mí prójimo como a mí mismo. Sé que no puedo hacerlo po mi cuenta. Sin embargo, la fuente del amor proviene de Dios. Es sólo a través de El que puedo amar a mi prójimo como a mí mismo. Jesús me ama más que a sí mismo. Lo sé porque murió en la Cruz por mis pecados. Se levantó de la tumba para que yo pueda ser perdonado de mis pecados y heredar la vida eterna. Mis amigos, lo que ha hecho por mí también puede hacer por ustedes.
"The Memoirs of One Man's Journey Through Time"
Website: cpaulwooderson.com
BLOG #43 - 3/19/2020
¿Qué significa la palabra "moral"? Significa ser capaz de hacer la distinción entre el bien y el mal. En (1 Juan 4:7, NVI) la Biblia dice: «Queridos amigos, amemos los uno a los otros, porque el amor viene de Dios. Todos los que aman han nacido de Dios y conocen a Dios". Es decir, amemos los unos a los otros en el sentido moral, porque el amor de Dios es tierno, amoroso y caritativo. Todos los que nacen o son liberados de Dios lo conocen. Tiene conocimiento y una comprensión real de quién es Dios.
Los fariseos le preguntaron a Jesús, ¿cuál es el mandamiento más grande de la Ley? Jesús respondió: Ama al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón y con toda tu alma y con toda tu mente"
(Mateo 22:37, NVI). Es decir, amar a Dios supremamente, más que a nadie más o cualquier otra cosa. Somete tu intelecto a Su voluntad. Entonces Jesús dijo que el segundo mandamiento más grande es: «Amar a tu prójimo como a ti mismo» (Mateo 22:39, NVI).
Es una orden alta para mí prójimo como a mí mismo. Sé que no puedo hacerlo po mi cuenta. Sin embargo, la fuente del amor proviene de Dios. Es sólo a través de El que puedo amar a mi prójimo como a mí mismo. Jesús me ama más que a sí mismo. Lo sé porque murió en la Cruz por mis pecados. Se levantó de la tumba para que yo pueda ser perdonado de mis pecados y heredar la vida eterna. Mis amigos, lo que ha hecho por mí también puede hacer por ustedes.
"The Memoirs of One Man's Journey Through Time"
Website: cpaulwooderson.com
BLOG #46 - 3/12/2020
The coronavirus has put many people on edge. Around the globe, thousands have died. Many events that draw large crowds have been cancelled or postponed. Collages have closed, Collage students are taking their classes on-line. Nobody knows when the spread of coronavirus will be under control. I just heard on television that the spread of coronavirus is going to get worse before it gets better.
Some may be saying, "if God really loves me, He could get rid of the coronavirus." The Bible doesn't say if I put my faith and trust in Jesus all my problems will be washed away. Instead Jesus said, "you will hear of wars and rumors of wars..." (Matthew 24:6, NIV). It's not realistic to think all things will be perfect in this world. Right? That's just the way it is!
However, there is hope. When the storms of life come the Lord has promised He will always be with me. His Holy Spirit dwells in me, and His Spirit is at work in me seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. Next week, I will share with you some things that help me when unfavorable circumstances arise.
Jesus said, "...and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:20, NASB).
BLOG #46 - 3/12/2020
The coronavirus has put many people on edge. Around the globe, thousands have died. Many events that draw large crowds have been cancelled or postponed. Collages have closed, Collage students are taking their classes on-line. Nobody knows when the spread of coronavirus will be under control. I just heard on television that the spread of coronavirus is going to get worse before it gets better.
Some may be saying, "if God really loves me, He could get rid of the coronavirus." The Bible doesn't say if I put my faith and trust in Jesus all my problems will be washed away. Instead Jesus said, "you will hear of wars and rumors of wars..." (Matthew 24:6, NIV). It's not realistic to think all things will be perfect in this world. Right? That's just the way it is!
However, there is hope. When the storms of life come the Lord has promised He will always be with me. His Holy Spirit dwells in me, and His Spirit is at work in me seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. Next week, I will share with you some things that help me when unfavorable circumstances arise.
Jesus said, "...and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:20, NASB).
Friday, March 6, 2020
Blog #42 - 3/6/2020
Hace muchos años, había una canción popular cuya letra era, «todo lo que el mundo necesita ahora es amor, amor dulce...» ¿No suena bien el mensaje? Sin embargo, ¿qué tipo de amor necesita realmente el mundo? En el mundo de hoy, la realidad es que la palabra «amor» tiene muchos significados diferentes.
Cuando tuve sesiones de consejería prematrimonial, siempre le pregunté a la pareja qué porcentaje de dar y tomar será necesario para que tengan un matrimonio exitoso? Casi cada vez que decían 50-50. Por lo general, respondí: «Si haces que sea una práctica en tu matrimonio, tu matrimonio está en peligro de fracasar". No tiene sentido matemáticamente, pero cada uno de ustedes necesita trabajar para entregarse a todos a su pareja.
Una pareja que se había casado y luego se divorció estaba considerando volver a casarse. Compartieron conmigo por qué su primer matrimonio no duró. Pronto se hizo obvio para mí cuál era el problema. Se amaban a sí mismos más de lo que se amaban el uno al otro.
El blog la próxima semana será sobre lo que la Biblia tiene que decir sobre el amor.
Blog #42 - 3/6/2020
Hace muchos años, había una canción popular cuya letra era, «todo lo que el mundo necesita ahora es amor, amor dulce...» ¿No suena bien el mensaje? Sin embargo, ¿qué tipo de amor necesita realmente el mundo? En el mundo de hoy, la realidad es que la palabra «amor» tiene muchos significados diferentes.
Cuando tuve sesiones de consejería prematrimonial, siempre le pregunté a la pareja qué porcentaje de dar y tomar será necesario para que tengan un matrimonio exitoso? Casi cada vez que decían 50-50. Por lo general, respondí: «Si haces que sea una práctica en tu matrimonio, tu matrimonio está en peligro de fracasar". No tiene sentido matemáticamente, pero cada uno de ustedes necesita trabajar para entregarse a todos a su pareja.
Una pareja que se había casado y luego se divorció estaba considerando volver a casarse. Compartieron conmigo por qué su primer matrimonio no duró. Pronto se hizo obvio para mí cuál era el problema. Se amaban a sí mismos más de lo que se amaban el uno al otro.
El blog la próxima semana será sobre lo que la Biblia tiene que decir sobre el amor.
Blog #45 - 3/6/2020
Were you predestined to be saved (to inherit eternal life)? For instance, did God make that choice for you?
Saul made murderous threats against the Lord's disciples. He went to the high priest to get permission to arrest people who belonged to the Way (Christians). He persecuted Christians. Saul approved and witnessed the execution of Stephen (Acts 7:54-60). How could a man like Saul have any hope that someday he could inherit eternal life?
According to the Bible, all of us have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). All of us are guilty of breaking God's laws and, according to the Bible, the result of sin is spiritual death
(Romans 6:23). However, the Bible says God has given us a gift. He tells us if we confess our sins and, by way of His Holy Spirit, invite Jesus Christ into our lives, we are saved. That is, we have eternal life. The Bible also says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him, shall not perish (spiritually die) but have eternal life" (John 3:16, NIV). Jesus died for the world. The world represents all his human creatures.
"The Memoirs of One Man's Journey Through Time"
Website: cpaulwooderson.com
Blog #45 - 3/6/2020
Were you predestined to be saved (to inherit eternal life)? For instance, did God make that choice for you?
Saul made murderous threats against the Lord's disciples. He went to the high priest to get permission to arrest people who belonged to the Way (Christians). He persecuted Christians. Saul approved and witnessed the execution of Stephen (Acts 7:54-60). How could a man like Saul have any hope that someday he could inherit eternal life?
According to the Bible, all of us have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). All of us are guilty of breaking God's laws and, according to the Bible, the result of sin is spiritual death
(Romans 6:23). However, the Bible says God has given us a gift. He tells us if we confess our sins and, by way of His Holy Spirit, invite Jesus Christ into our lives, we are saved. That is, we have eternal life. The Bible also says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him, shall not perish (spiritually die) but have eternal life" (John 3:16, NIV). Jesus died for the world. The world represents all his human creatures.
"The Memoirs of One Man's Journey Through Time"
Website: cpaulwooderson.com
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